Seamless Stainless Steel Pipes


Rivolt Steel & Nickel Alloys stocks stainless steel Seamless pipe per ASTM A 312 in 304/304L and 316/316L. We supply other stainless grades, including 304H, 316H, 309/S, 310/S, 317/L, 321/H, 347/H, 904L, 330, 254SMO, 410. In duplex grades, we can supply 2205 and 2507. Some nickel grades are also supplied.

We supply a full range of pipe schedules ranging from Sch 5 thru Double Extra Heavy. Most products are available in 20′ random length sections, but Rivolt Steel & Nickel Alloys can supply stainless steel seamless pipe in most stainless grades in sections exceeding 40′. All stainless steel seamless pipes can be cut to your exact requirements. Some made to order items can be produced in 2-3 weeks.


Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe Overview

Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe

Diameter of Stainless Pipe

1/8″ thru 24″

300 Series Stainless Steel Grades

304 – 304/L – 304H – 309/S – 309H – 310/S – 310H – 316L – 317L – 321 – 321H – 347 – 347H

400 Series Stainless Steel Grades


Nickel Alloy Grades

Alloy 20 – 200 – 400 – 600 – 601 – 625 – 825H – 825HT – C276

Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe Processing

 Long Product Processing Services Overview

Bar & Structural Cutting

Products cut include Round Bar, Flat bar, Hex bar, Square bar, Tubing and Hollow Bar, Pipe, Angles, channels, Beams and Tees.  Thickness range is 1/16″ to 28″ diameter

Production Cutting

Penn Stainless can provide production cutting for product diameters up to 4″.  We utilize Amanda Production Equipment to achieve these precision cuts with tight tolerances.

Pipe Threading

Available thru 2″ in Diameter/All schedules

Tubular Polishing

Products polished included all tubular products, with OD & ID polishing available, Round Bar, Square Bar, Hex & Flat bar, Angles, Uneven Leg Angles, beams, and other shapes.

Seamless Pipe Value Add

Stainless Steel Value Add

Stainless Steel Pipe Polishing

Penn Stainless can polish nearly any stainless steel pipe item to a #4 polish, #6 Polish, #7 polish or a #8 mirror finish. Stainless steel polished pipes can also be cut to size.

Stainless Steel Pipe Beveling

Penn Stainless can bevel the edges of stainless steel plate to prepare for welding or other processes.

Stainless Steel Pipe Honing & Turning

Penn Stainless can hone pipe and tube, using a precision abrasion process in order to obtain a desired finish or close dimensional tolerance.

Heatreating & Annealing

Some grades of stainless steel pipe can be heatreated to change the mechanical properties.

Positive Material Identification (PMI)

Penn Stainless can perform PMI testing in house for most stainless steel grades, or we can work with independent labs to complete PMI in order to meet customer specifications.

UT Testing

In some cases, UT testing of the stainless steel plates may be required. We can assist you with this requirement.

mless Pipe: Stainless Steel Grades, Thicknesses and Widths

  • Let Penn Stainless cut your next seamless pipe requirement to your exact dimensions.
  • All Schedules stocked including Sch 5 thru DXH.
  • Yes, even 24” DXH seamless pipe can be supplied with short lead times
  • Take advantage of our Domestic and International seamless stainless pipe mills to supply non standard wall thicknesses, lengths or chemistry.
  • Special Testing is available upon request.

Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe Tolerances

NPS Designator

Permissible Variations in Outside Diameter

Over In. Under In.
1/8 to 1-1/2, incl 1/64 (0.015) 1/32 (0.031)
Over 1-1/2 to 4, incl 1/32 (0.031) 1/32 (0.031)
Over 4 to 8, incl 1/16 (0.062) 1/32 (0.031)
Over 8 to 18, incl 3/23 (0.093) 1/32 (0.031)

Nominal Wall Thickness:

  • Nominal Wall Tolerance Plus 12.5%, Minus 12.5%
  • These do not conform to the American National Standard for Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe
    (ANSI B 36.10 – 1979)

NPS Designator

Outside Diameter in.

Schedule 10S in.

Schedule 40S in.

Schedule 80S in.

Schedule 160 in.

Schedule XX in.

1/4 0.540 0.065 0.088 0.119
3/8 0.675 0.065 0.091 0.126
1/2 0.840 0.083 0.109 0.147 .188 .294
3/4 1.050 0.083 0.113 0.154 .218 .308
1.0 1.315 0.109 0.133 0.179 .250 .358
1 1/4 1.660 0.109 0.140 0.191 .250 .382
1 1/2 1.900 0.109 0.145 0.200 .281 .400
2 2.375 0.109 0.154 0.218 .343 .436
2 1/2 2.875 0.120 0.203 0.276 .375 .552
3 3.500 0.120 0.216 0.300 .438 .600
3 1/2 4.000 0.120 0.226 0.318 .636
4 4.500 0.120 0.237 0.337 .534 .674
5 5.563 0.134 0.258 0.375 .625 .750
6 6.625 0.134 0.280 0.432 .719 .864
8 8.625 0.148 0.322 0.500 .906 .875
10 10.750 0.165 0.365 0.500 1.125
12 12.750 0.180 0.375 0.500 1.312
14 14.000 0.188 0.375 0.500 1.406
16 16.000 0.188 0.375 0.500 1.594

Minimum Wall Thickness on Inspection:

  • The following equation, upon which this table is based, may be applied to calculate minimum wall thicknesses from nominal wall thickness:
    • tn * 0.875 = tm
      tn = nominal wall thickness, in. [mm], and
      tm= minimum wall thicknesses, in. [mm]
    • The wall thickness is inch-pound units is rounded to three decimal places in accordance with the rounding method of Practice E29. The wall thickness in SI units is rounded to one decimal place in accordance with the rounding method of Practice E29.
  • This table is a master table covering wall thicknesses available in the purchase of different classifications of pipe, but it is not meant to imply that all the walls listed herein are necessarily obtainable for the applicable product specification.

Nominal Thickness

Minimum Thickness on Inspection

Nominal Thickness

Minimum Thickness on Inspection

Nominal Thickness

Minimum Thickness on Inspection













0.068 1.7 0.060 1.5 0.294 7.5 0.257 6.5 0.750 19.0 0.658 16.6
0.068 2.2 0.077 2.0 0.300 7.6 0.262 6.7 0.812 20.6 0.710 18.0
0.091 2.3 0.080 2.0 0.307 7.8 0.269 6.8 0.843 21.4 0.736 18.7
0.095 2.4 0.083 2.1 0.308 7.8 0.270 6.9 0.854 21.7 0.756 19.2
0.113 2.9 0.099 2.5 0.312 7.9 0.273 6.9 0.875 22.2 0.766 19.5
0.119 3.0 0.104 2.6 0.318 8.1 0.278 7.1 0.906 23.0 0.783 20.1
0.125 3.2 0.109 2.8 0.322 8.2 0.282 7.2 0.937 23.8 0.820 20.8
0.126 3.2 0.110 2.8 0.330 8.4 0.289 7.3 0.968 24.6 0.847 21.5
0.133 3.4 0.116 2.9 0.337 8.6 0.295 7.5 1.000 25.4 0.875 22.2
0.140 3.6 0.122 3.1 0.343 8.7 0.300 7.6 1.031 26.2 0.902 22.9
0.145 3.7 0.127 3.2 0.344 8.7 0.301 7.6 1.062 27.0 0.929 23.6
0.147 3.7 0.129 3.3 0.358 9.1 0.313 8.0 1.083 27.8 0.956 24.3
0.154 3.9 0.135 3.4 0.365 9.3 0.319 8.1 1.125 28.6 0.984 25.0
0.156 4.0 0.136 3.5 0.375 9.5 0.328 8.3 1.156 29.4 1.012 25.7
0.179 4.5 0.157 4.0 0.382 9.7 0.334 8.5 1.218 30.9 1.066 27.1
0.187 43.7 0.164 4.2 0.400 10.2 0.350 8.9 1.250 31.8 1.094 27.8
0.188 4.8 0.164 4.2 0.406 10.3 0.355 9.0 1.281 32.5 1.121 28.5
0.191 4.9 0.167 4.2 0.432 10.4 0.378 9.6 1.312 33.3 1.148 29.2
0.200 5.1 0.175 4.4 0.436 11.1 0.382 9.7 1.343 34.1 1.175 29.8
0.203 5.2 0.178 4.5 0.437 11.1 0.382 9.7 1.375 34.9 1.203 30.6
0.216 5.5 0.189 4.8 0.438 11.1 0.383 9.7 1.406 35.7 1.230 31.2
0.218 5.5 0.191 4.9 0.500 12.7 0.438 11.1 1.436 36.5 1.258 32.0
0.219 5.6 0.192 4.9 0.531 13.5 0.465 11.8 1.500 36.1 1.312 33.3
0.226 5.7 0.196 5.0 0.552 14.0 0.483 12.3 1.531 38.9 1.340 34.0
0.237 6.0 0.207 5.2 0.562 14.3 0.492 12.5 1.562 39.7 1.367 34.7
0.250 6.4 0.219 5.6 0.593 15.1 0.519 13.2 1.593 40.5 1.394 35.4
0.258 6.6 0.226 5.7 0.600 15.2 0.525 13.3 1.750 44.5 1.531 38.9
0.276 7.0 0.242 6.1 0.625 15.9 0.547 13.9 1.781 45.2 1.558 39.6
0.277 7.0 0.242 6.1 0.656 16.6 0.573 14.6 1.812 46.0 1.586 49.3
0.279 7.1 0.244 6.2 0.674 17.1 0.590 15.0 1.968 50.0 1.772 43.7
0.280 7.1 0.245 6.2 0.687 17.4 0.601 15.3 2.062 52.4 1.804 45.8
0.281 7.1 0.246 6.2 0.719 18.3 0.629 16.0 2.343 59.5 2.050 52.1

Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe Grade Specifications

Stainless Steel Seamless Pipe Specifications


This specification covers seamless, straight-seam welded, and heavily cold worked welded austenitic stainless steel pipe intended for high-temperature and general corrosive service.


This specification includes electric-fusion-welded austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steel pipe.


This specification covers two classes of fit-up and alignment quality straight-seam single- or double-welded austenitic steel pipe intended for high-temperature and general corrosive service.


This specification covers two classes of flanged and cold-bending quality cold-worked straight-seam single or double welded austenitic steel pipe intended for high-temperature and general corrosive services.

Lengths: 17′ – 24′ Random Lengths